1. Comment Tag ( <!--...--> )
This tag is used for making a comment on HTML coding and will not displayed in browser. And usually the comment is inserted into explanation of HTML codes. For example:
<!-- This section is show of body tag content --></body>
There is nothing that displayed at browser although there are comments in HTML codes.
2. Break Tag ( <br /> )
This tag is used for adding the enter character on the Blog page. Moreover, this tag can added more than one and also is haven't an ended tag. For example:
<!-- Break tag is inserted before the other tag (div tag) -->
<br />
<div>there is break character before this text</div>
<!-- Break tag is inserted between beginning and ending tag (div tag) -->
<div>break character is inserted before <br /> this text </div>
<!-- Break tag is inserted after ending tag (div tag)-->
<div>break character is inserted after this text</div><br />
And for the last is this tag haven't an attribute (attribute is parameter for tag, parameter is container that will set tag view and others).
3. Paragraph Tag ( <p>...</p> )
This tag is used for making a sign to HTML code reader that text between this tag is a paragraph.
This tag is block which means before and after this tag will added a margin automatically as big as 16px by browser. And also this tag only have one attribute, that is:
~ Align attribute
That useful for setting the align of the text. and this attribute has some value, including:
1. Left : is used for setting align of the text to the left of paragraph tag container.
2. Right : is used for setting align of the text to the right of paragraph tag container.
3. Center : is used for setting align of the text to the center of paragraph tag container.
4. Justify : is used for setting align of the text to the left and right of paragraph tag container.
<!-- text with align attribute is left -->
<p align='left'>this text in paragraph tag with align attribute is left</p>
<!-- text with align attribute is right -->
<p align='right'>this text in paragraph tag with align attribute is right</p>
<!-- text with align attribute is center -->
<p align='center'>this text in paragraph tag with align attribute is center</p>
<!-- text with align attribute is justify -->
<p align='justify'>this text in paragraph tag with align attribute is justify</p>
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