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Tridinamika Blog Kontes 2013

Saturday, 22 June 2013

Design and Create a Blog with Blogspot

    Before design a Blog, we must create a Blog. Although, on generally, design a Blog first than create a Blog. But, we now using a Blogspot, so we must following the flow of creating a Blog. 
only two steps in creating a Blog, that is:
1. Login or create an account at GMail
     At this step, we must have an email account on www.gmail.com. If we has an account, so just login to www.blogger.com
Using an Account GMail for Login to Blogger
Using an Account GMail for Login to Blogger

2. Create a Blog
     When create a Blog, that just do is click New Blog button at left side of Blogger Dashboard page.
Create a Blog
Create a Blog
     Next step is input the Title, Address and choose view style of our Blog.
Inputing Data for Title, Address and choose view style of Blog
Inputing Data for Title, Address and choose view style of Blog
     For while, the result of create a Blog is like this: 
First Excample of New Blog
First Excample of New Blog
   And finally step is make a posting or article in Blog.

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